Home work and exams

Home work and exams

English Overview - works
English Administrator - overview of assigned homeworks, tests, projects and exams

Home work and exams - Home work

English How to assign homework in class register
English How to assign simple text homework to students
English How to assign homework that includes questions from preparations
English How to assign the students homework, so that they can submit their work as a file or text?
English How to cancel HW assigned through class register
English Simple evaluation of homeworks
English How to attach a file to homework
English How to assign existing HW to another class
English Teacher - how to give students extra points?
English How to attach file to my preparations
English How to enter picture into question
English How do the students access materials prepared for them by the teachers?
English How to insert internet link to a card?
English How to review students answers and results
English How to input grades from homework, tests and projects
English How to attach follow up questions to homework (e.g. the ABCD question)
English Teacher - How to check if the students have read/done their homework
English Assigning homework/test over again to selected students
English Sending homework, test or project comments to students
English How to assign homework to selected students only
English Where can I find the files that students uploaded to HW?
English How to enter points for individual questions in the HW or test
English How to return evaluated work back to the student
English How to change / erase existing image comment
English How to comment on a student's uploaded photo of their work
English Homework overview

Home work and exams - Písomky/skúšanie- teacher's view

English How to plan a test/exam
English How to announce new exam to students
English Planning exams overview
English Detailed description of the Planning screen
English How do students learn about the exam?
English Student home preparation for a test
English What are "Study topics"?
English How to announce an exam via the mobile app?