Administrator - Red courses with bell sign

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In the Courses Overview, the administrator can see "red courses with bell sign" and the following information:

These are not created courses, this is just information that based on the timetable this course is missing.

There are two reasons for this situation:

1. The course has not been created - the box is red.

The teacher should create courses at the beginning of school year. My courses

If the teacher cannot create the courses, the administrator is allowed to create the courses for them.
Click on this red box with bell and press "Create course". Created course becomes green.

2. Another reason is, the lessons are divided and the created lesson and the title of the group in timetables have not been linked - in the picture this is Mr. Vrabel's course.

Open the course settings and link the course with the timetables group name. Guide for:
the teacher: დაყოფილი და გაერთიენბული კლასები
the administrator: ადმინისტრატორი - კურსები დაყოფილი კლასებით