მასწავლებელი - კურსები
რა არის კურსი? როგორ შევქმნათ?
რატომ არის კურსის არჩევა კარგი?
Courses with bell icon
როგორ შევცვალოთ კურსის პარამეტრები?
How to delete a course
How to restore a course (with plan) deleted by mistake?
დაყოფილი და გაერთიენბული კლასები
How to copy courses from the previous school year to the current one
How do I use my last year's teaching plan?
I teach both students' groups in one class. Should I create one or two courses?
What are official and unofficial courses?
Divided lesson does not display correctly in the class register
Can the students groups be copied from the previous school year?
Creating degree courses
Lesson with the teacher's assistant
How to display only students from one group in the class register
How to print list of students
Seating in classroom
Why is there a red warning sign next to my course icon?
How to check if the right students have been selected the in course settings
Why do the students see courses they do not attend in their timetable?