Home work

English Where in the mobile application can I find my homeworks?
Hebrew תלמיד - מה המשמעות של "הפעל באופן מקוון" במבחן או בשיעורי הבית?
Hebrew תלמיד - כיצד להעלות קובץ בשיעורי בית?
English Student - How to check if my homework has been submitted to the teacher properly
English Student - how to remove done homework from the list of homeworks/how to flag the homework as done
English How to display a homework that has been removed/hidden/flagged as done by accident
English How to elaborate online test or HW?
English A message to me / my homework assignment got lost
English Where can I view the results from submitted homework or test in the application?
English Student - How to check in the mobile application if my HW has been submitted to the teacher properly