
Hebrew הורים : כיצד לקבל מידע להתחברות בכל זמן?
Hebrew הורים עם יותר מילד אחד
English What is the difference between parent and student account?
Hebrew הורה - איך להוסיף עוד ילדים לאפליקציה ?
English How to sign grades
English How to cancel a meal order of your child
English How to send message to teachers or students
English Where do I find my timetable?
English A message to me / my homework assignment got lost
English How to input an absence note
English How to remove a user from the mobile application
English How to send a suggestion for improvement or a description of the problem to EduPage developers?
English Substitutions overview in the mobile application
English How to delete a "done" message from the list of messages in the mobile application
English Where can I check the arrivals and departures of my child from school?
Hebrew כיצד לקבל גישה הורה Edupage
English How to create a recipients' group
English Student - How to check in the mobile application if my HW has been submitted to the teacher properly
English My child enrolled to a new school. I can't see him in the app.