
Mobile application help - Teacher

English Class register in EduPage mobile application
English How to copy students' attendance data from a previous lesson in the mobile application
English How to record students' attendance according to the beeps
English How can a class teacher input a student absence note in the mobile application?
English How can a teacher accept absence note from a parent in the mobile application?
English Where do I find my timetable?
English Substitutions overview in the mobile application
English How to enter student evaluation in the mobile application
English How to assign homework to students in the mobile application
English How to assign prepared cards to students for homework
English How to assign a prepared material (presentation, test) to students in the mobile application
English How can a teacher view the answers/results of students in the mobile application?
English How to enter mass evaluation of HW check (OK/Not done/In progress) in the application?
English How to send a message to students, their parents or teachers in the mobile application
English A message to me / my homework assignment got lost
English How to delete a "done" message from the list of messages in the mobile application
English How to create a recipients' group
English How to remove a user from the mobile application
English How to send a suggestion for improvement or a description of the problem to EduPage developers?