Student - How to check in the mobile application if my HW has been submitted to the teacher properly

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Click on the HW tile in the mobile application. Every submitted homework has its state displayed.

  • The "Evaluated" state - for homework with close-ended questions that are automatically evaluated by the system. If this be the case, the result is displayed too (see purple frame).

  • If a text or a file had to be submitted as the homework solution, the homework state is "Submitted". The homework will be evaluated by the teacher (blue frame).

  • If the homework has not been submitted, none of the above mentioned states is displayed (green frame).

    Student and teacher view is the same. If a student can see that the homework has been submitted, the teacher can see it too in the Results section.

    You can check the results or attached files in the submitted homeworks.

    Homeworks that have been done can be marked as done. They will no longer display in the list of homeworks.
    Student - how to remove done homework from the list of homeworks/how to flag the homework as done

    Further instructions:
    Home work
    Mobile application help

    All help topics for students: Student
    All help topics for parents: Parents