Substitute teacher - how to fill curriculum from the absent teacher's plan

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When the teacher is absent they can let the cover teacher know what topics should be covered in the lesson via "Instructions to substituting teacher.

Two different scenarios can occur:
1. Substitutions have been published and the teacher is registered as absent:

a cover lesson is displayed in the class register. In the "Instructions to substituting teacher" the absent teacher can select a topic from the plan for the cover teacher to teach.

There is also an option to input instructions for the cover teacher manually.

2. The absent teacher has not been registered in the substitutions yet . However, the absent teacher would like to input a teaching topic for the cover teacher. There's no need to wait for the substitutions to be published. The instructions to substitution teacher can be input:

After publishing the substitutions, the instructions for the cover teacher will remain unchanged.

see also:
Instructions to substituting teacher via application
Cover teacher - How to record the taught curriculum in the class register