How to block a user/messages from a specific user in case of account abuse?

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If there is a situation where the account of one of the users has been misused - e.g. the student revealed the password to a friend or kept it written down on a piece of paper in the computer room and the account was subsequently misused to send out inappropriate content, the EduPage site administrator can immediately resolve the situation as follows:

In the menu on the left, select Control Panel/Security/Block Users.

Search for the user you want to block and press "block".

It is possible to block a user's login or mark their messages as inappropriate content.

If you want to disable the user from logging in for a certain time (until the case is resolved), toggle the switch in the first option and select the time period until the user will not be able to log in to EduPage.

Here you can see for how long the user is blocked, i.e. until when he cannot log in to EduPage.

After the blocking is set, a blocking icon will appear next to the user.

If the user has been sending inappropriate content, it is possible to mark messages from this user as inappropriate. Select a time period.

All messages from this user in the specified time period will be invisible to the recipients and will be marked as inappropriate content.

The content of such messages will not be displayed to the recipients.

This function represents an immediate first aid for the administrator to solve this unpleasant situation. Subsequently, it is necessary to change the user's password.