The meaning of credit in the School canteen module

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The meaning of credit in the School canteen module

Credit in the Canteen module represents the sum of the payments paid by parents, which the school has already recorded and has assigned them to the canteen payment plan to the current date reduced by the costs of the student for meals ('issued meal' days) up to the current day, included.

The initial credit is also included in the payments paid, if it is assigned to the meals payment plan.

When is the credit recalculated?

- every day - during the night - the system runs a processing (approx 0:30 - 2:00), when it also updates the balance in the school canteen - the credit is reduced for boarders who have ordered a meal for that day by the amount of costs of the meal
- when changing the order of the boarder (cancelation/order of a meal for that day)
- when uploading a payment by the school and assigning it to a canteen payment plan

The credit is not affected by picking the meal up (change in the status of the meal order from 'Ordered' to 'Picked up' / 'Issued' by a member of school staff or a beep with a chip). Order of meal is important.
Additional adjustment of ordered/canceled meals retrospectively by a member of school staff affects the credit.

How can the canteen manager view the credit of the boarders?

The height of credit can be viewed in the card of the boarder. Click on the name of the boarder to open the card. It can be done in any view of the "Boarders" section.

The best joined overview about the amount of credit is in the 'Boarders' section -> 'Fees and payments' .
By default, the credit is displayed for the period to the end of the current month. It reflects orders of the diner up to the end of the month. The date can be changed easily.

In the table, you can turn on various filters. It is possible to sort the data according to credit. Click on the column name 'Credit to' (click again to sort the data in the reverse order). It is also possible to export the data to excel.

In this view, it is also possible to activate interruption/renewal of orders to selected bad payers - = je dobré preložiť - Bad payers - manual suspension of orders, = je dobré preložiť - Bad payers - manual renewal of orders.

Different credit in the payment module and in the school canteen module

The credit for meals in the 'payments' and 'school canteen' module to a specific date may often vary.

This happens because:
- credit in payments to a specific date includes payments received and predefined fees (the payment plan contains fees per individual months)
- whereas the credit in the canteen to the same date rreflects the payments received and the 'days with issued meals', which usually do not include the complete payment plan for a month.

Credit in payments is therefore higher (lower) than the credit in the canteen, if the date of maturity of the payment plan for the canteen for a given month is later (earlier) than the date on which the credit appears.

How can the boarder determine the credit amount?

Boarders can see the current amount of credit on the web site after signing in to their EduPage account in the school canteen module in the bottom section below the menu.
Together with the credit EduPage displays the remaining number of days for which the credit is sufficient (the calculation is based on the price of the meal unit).

Notification for boarders about decreased credit

In EduPage, parents can receive a notification about decrease in credit in the school canteen.This value is set centrally by the system for all schools that have turned on the function - interruption of orders, and a reminder is sent to boarders whose balance of the credit covers meals for fewer than 5 days.

In addition, schools can set their own automatic sending of emails in connection with the interruption/renewal of orders
Bad payers - automatic suspension of orders by system
Bad payers - automatic renewal of orders by system

See also other tutorials for the School canteen module:

=Helps for Canteen module