Class register in EduPage mobile application

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Mobile application EduPage
Tap the "Timetable" tile in the EduPage mobile application. If your school uses aScTimetables, your timetable for the specific day will display. If your school uses Substitutions, you will also see the lessons you should substitute.Tap on the desired lesson. You can input the curriculum, absentees in that lesson, assign homework etc.

Input curriculum:
If a student is late, touch and hold the student's name. If you already have your teaching plan saved in EduPage, just select a topic from the plan. If you have not prepared a teaching plan yet, you can type the topic in manually.
How to create a new plan?

Recording students' attendance:
Tap the "Student absences" tile in the Timetable section. Click on the name of a student to set the student's absence. If a student is late, touch and hold the student's name. Save your changes. If nobody is absent, it is still necessary to confirm the students' attendance by tapping the "Nobody is absent" tile.

Assigning homework/exam:
Press the "Add new exam / homework / Test" option in the Timetable section. Select Homework/Test/Project... Type in the text and select deadline for its elaboration. If it should be done until the next lesson, select the "Till next lesson" option.