Input/import of data

Input/import of data

English Student card
English Card of student - Health
English Card of student - Study
English How to record student's switching class
English How can I upload photos of students and teachers to Edupage
English How to input new headmaster/principal
English How to import students' photos to EduPage?
English Teacher terminated employment contract
English How to create a drop-down list of dormitories?
English Displaying date format in Buddhist Era
English How to display only the current students of the school
English Let's get started: How to input your school data into EduPage?
English How to access data from previous school years?
English A fast way to switch between school years

Input/import of data - Učitelia/zamestnanci

English How to input a new teacher/staff entry via AgendaOnline
English How to import students, teachers or parents?
English Teacher swap/change in the middle of school year
English Change of class teacher in the middle of school year
English How to change the teacher's last name

Input/import of data - Žiaci

English How to input a new student entry
English How to enter Interruption of study
English How to delete a student from a database?
English How to access data from previous school years?

Input/import of data - Triedy/predmety

English How to input a new class/subject entry

Input/import of data - Škola

English How to set different school sections
English How to enter headmaster/principal of the school
English How to set up bell times?