How to add a new book to the Libary module

English Slovenčina

You can import books into the library or enter them manually. In this instruction guide, we will show you the manual procedure.

It is good to familiarize yourself with the library before importing 10,000 books. Students do not see the books or the library module yet. They will see it only when you publish the Library in the settings.

In the Library module, select "Books" in the top menu.

Click on the red circle with "+" in the bottom right corner.

Fill in the necessary information and click "Add".

You have created a book title. Now you can add individual pieces of the title. So, if you have three pieces of the book Little Women, enter the first piece:
Click "Add".

Then click on "Add another" and you will add another piece. You can also enter a number for each piece, either a registration or a sequence number, but it is not required. EduPage will generate a unique code for the book, which will also be a part of the QR code.

See also:
How to print QR codes for added books?
How to add another piece to an already existing title?