Class register - setup for next school year

English Slovenčina Čeština

1. Data base update
The administrator should update the data base of students, teachers, classes and subjects before the beginning of the school year.
=Update data on students, teachers, classes and subjects in Agenda Online

2. Check the timetable for errors
For the class register to work properly, correct timetable is crucial. Courses in the class register display to the students and the teachers based on the valid timetable. Accordingly, the list of students to attend the course is displayed based on the timetable.

Model situations with frequent timetable errors:

a) Divided courses
Divided courses are courses with students of one class divided into groups, e.g. language courses. Divisions

In the timetale it is necessary to input the divided courses exactly as they will be taught in reality. Specific teacher teaches specific subject to a specific group of students.
=How to input the divided courses to the teacher

b) Joined courses
In a joined course the teacher teaches students from different classes, e.g. a PE course with boys from two different classes. Other teacher probably teaches PE to girls from these two classes.
Typical situation: Physical education joined boys and girls from two classes:

A common situation when creating a new timetable is the timetable planner simplifies the situation and inputs the devided/joined courses as one card with two different teachers. As long as the school does not use the class register, this is an OK solution. As soon as the school starts to use the class register, it will be unclear which teacher teaches which student group. Even bigger problem awaits in substitutions. It will be impossible to input substitution for a teacher teaching only one of the student groups.

3. Timetable publishing
Please, don't forget to publish the final version of your timetable. You don't have to wait until the beginning of the school year, the timetable can be published before the actual beginning of the school year. The published timetable will simplify your teachers' work with creating their courses.
How can I publish the final timetable for students/parents from ASC TimeTables software

Input the validity date of the timetable. This is the starting date for the courses to be displayed to teachers and students.
How many timetables can be published during a school year?
Options for saving the changes in the timetable

At the beginning of the school year the timetable can change quite often. It is not a problem. You can publish the amended timetable from a new date. You don't have to wait for the final version to publish it.

Note 1: If the system warns you about unlinked data, we recommend you link the data between the timetables and EduPage: =How can I synchronize data between timetables and edupage?

Note 2: Before publishing the timetable you can send the proposed timetable to the teachers for comments: How can I send timetable to teachers

4. Creating courses
At the beginning of the school year the teachers create courses that they are going to teach that year. Course is a combination of subject and class, or a combination of subject and a student group (in divided courses).

The created course is the basis for creating teaching plans and teaching materials. Without the course teachers will not be able to input grades, assign homework etc.
What is a course? How to create it?

Below you can find two possible scenarios of creating courses:

a) The timetable at your school has been created and published:
The published timetable simplifies creating courses for your teachers. Just click on the icon of the timetable course that hasn't been created yet and the course will be created.
Courses with bell icon

b) The timetable at your school has not been created nor published:
Your teachers can prepare the courses even before the timetable has been published, for example during the summer holidays. They can input their teaching plans and create materials for the topics of the plan. Once you publish the timetable, EduPage links the course of e.g. 5A Maths created by the teacher with the 5A Maths course from the timetable.

The situation with divided and joined courses is a little bit more complicated. The teacher can create the course in advance. However, the teacher will have to link the course with the name of the student group in the timetable and select the students attending the course. Otherwise the list of students displayed in the class register and in the grade book will be incorrect.
Divided lesson does not display correctly in the class register

Administrator has access to an overview of created courses at all times: Administrator - administration of courses
The administrator can check the division of students into groups: Administrator - Divisions Overview
Course settings

5. Creating courses for afterschool activities and interest groups
Administration of interest groups at the beginning of school year

6. How to record the beginning of the school year in the Class register
I am new. Please edit me.

7. Overview of information about school lessons
The EduPage administrator has access to an overview of courses, students, accounts, user rights etc.
The system will warn the administrator about absent courses, incorrect student divisions, missing student and parent accounts and it will indicate other useful information.
Overview about your school

Further instructions: New School Year - administrator