How to solve a situation when some students participate in the event and the rest have classes in another class? (temporary reassignment of studentsfunction)

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There is a new feature on EduPage available to temporarily reassign pupils who are not participating in a school event, excursion or exam to another class and study by the students' timetable.

In this article, we will show you steps needed to reassign all students in a class when planning a school event.

Creating a ski training event?

1. First create the event in the calendar. Enter the date, teachers and students. In this example, class 5.A goes skiing. Two students cannot participate.

2. Add the absent teachers from this event into the substitution so that
the substitute is assigned for the absent teachers.

Temporary reassignment of the remaining pupils

3. Enter the temporary reassignment of pupils using the Tools - Temporary reassignment of students function.
Select from event - click on the given event and move the corresponding students to the class they will learn in.

The result:

4. You need to assign them manually to the divided hours. According to the number of students or other criterias, you may decide to which group the students will be temporarily transferred. Here you can see how the number of students per lesson changes.

5. Since there are no students in the class with some students on the skiing and the rest is in another class, cancel their lessons as follows:

6. After the substitution is published, the schedule for these 2 students will change

7. In the class register of the absent class, here 5.A you can see the event.
In the class book of class 6.A you can see that there are temporarily 2 extra students in the class.

If you click on the yellow hint or on the student attendance icon, more details will be displayed:

Do you want to edit a temporary reassignment?

This tutorial describes the simplest example of ski training. It can be also used when several classes go to skiing training, e.g. 9.A, 9.B, 9.C. The remaining students will be temporarily transferred either to another class or they can study according to the schedule of one of the absent classes, for example 9.A.

Other tips:

Temporary reassignment of students can also be used for one day (visiting the theatre, etc.).
You can also do the reassignment individually for each student individually.
Reassignment is possible to any class (it does not have to be only a parallel class).