How to enter when some students attend an event and some have lessons in another class? (function "join classes")

English Slovenčina Čeština

We will explain this in classes 9.A and 9.B, which go to a ski course, and students who do not go to a ski course learn according to schedule 9.C.

1. You will create a ski course event for classes 9.A, 9.B, where you will select a teacher who goes to the ski course with the students and you will select the students who will attend the ski course:

2. In substitution, select "Tools - Join classes":

3. You can select 1 day for which you want to join the classes that are taught according to the 9.C schedule, or you can select the whole week to set the substitution for the whole week with one click.

4. Use "Choose" to select the classes to be joined. Since 9.A and 9.B are taught according to schedule 9.C, we will select all 3 classes:

5. In the next step we will select the schedule of which class we want to keep, in our case 9.C and click on "Generate":

6. In the substitution, the original lessons that should have been cancelled in the given classes are automatically set and the joined lessons 9.A, 9.B, 9.C are added according to the schedule 9.C.

7. The divided lessons still need to be resolved. If originally all the classes you join: in our case 9.A, 9.B, 9.C have a joined lesson, then in the function "join classes" the lesson will remain as it is, as there is no need to change it.
However, if you have e.g. English for each class separately, so the function "join classes" will give you full lessons in 9.B with the given teachers according to schedule 9.A, which you can additionally modify: How do the divided lessons work with the function "join classes"?

8. It is still necessary to enter the missing teacher who is going to the ski course with the students and it is necessary to enter a substitution for him: Inputting absent teachers and if he is to teach joined classes, you will enter a substitute teacher for him in the standard way.

9. After the substitution is published, the joined lessons are then displayed in the class register with information about the number of students who are at the event. Students who are at the event will not be shown among the missing students, only students who are to be taught will be shown there: