Can a teacher account be created without providing email?

English Slovenčina

It is possible but we do not advise to create teacher accounts without email. If a teacher has a valid email address type it in. You will be able to send the teacher their password. If they later forget it, they can reset the password without asking for your help. This account is safer, because the teacher can provide their own password that is known to no other person. As long as there is an option to print out the password, there is a chance someone else will see it. Maybe you accidentally print it, and the teacher may accuse you that you have logged into their account and spoiled something, not them.

Now, in some very rare circumstances, it is possible to create teacher's account without an email address.

Select Teachers in the School data section of the EduPage Wizard. Click on the Account in the row of the teacher.

Select "Create account".

Click on "Create account without email".

The account has been created without having to input an e-mail address.
The password to the teacher account can be displayed:

See also:
How to create accounts for teachers, students and parents