How to start with e-learning?

English Slovenčina Čeština

In order for the school to start using the EduPage e-learning module, the following steps must be taken:

1. Add or import into EduPage the following school data:

How to import students, teachers or parents?

2. Create accounts for teachers, students and parents.
How to create accounts for teachers, students and parents

Teachers, students and parents can log into EduPage either through the website or through the EduPage application.
EduPage Mobile App

3. Before teachers can assign materials to students, they must first create the courses they teach.
<span style='font-size: 11pt;'>A course is a combination of a subject and a class, or a group. Special care should be paid only to divided courses, where students are selected. A teacher can assign materials only to those students for whom the have created courses. They cannot assign materials to students they do not teach.
</span>What is a course? How to create it?
Administrator - administration of courses

4. After the courses are created, we recommend to create teaching plans.
Teaching plans - overview

5. Materials can be assigned to individual topics of the teaching plans. Materials can include presentations, tests, images or other external sources.
Creating new materials
How to attach file to my preparations
How to enter picture into question

6. Teachers can assign materials to students.
How to assign a material (e.g. presentation) to students?
How to assign created questions to students?
How to properly assign materials to students for online learning?