How to fill in data in the student's report?

Before you print the report, make sure you have all the necessary data filled in.

You can start with the basics:

Basic Info
How to create your EduPage: Create EduPage
Logo, School Name: How to change the school logo and school name
Students' Accounts: How to create accounts for teachers, students and parents
Import Students' Photos: How to calculate a grade for the final report/certificate

Overview - grades
How can I input grades?
Assignments: How to sort grades in Grade book - creating assignments in Grade book
Columns: How to sort the assignments in Grade book into columns
Categories: How can I organize the grades into categories?
Final grade: How to calculate a grade for the final report/certificate

Verbal Evaluation
How to enter and print a verbal evaluation on a certificate?

Total absences, Absent days
The data about absences is taken automatically from the class register for the given period. Attendance of students

The date signifies the day on which the report is printed.

There's a possibility to add a signature before printing. If you wish to sign the reports by hand after printing, you can skip this step.