How to add new classroom

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In the main menu click on Classrooms - New. The dialog Classroom appears.

Add the Full name and the Short name for every new classroom.

Then you can also specify:
- Custom fields - see this: Custom fields,
- Home classroom - for specific class. See: How can I specify default classroom for certain class
- Shared classroom - for easier inputs of specific group of classrooms. See: What is shared classroom?
- Supervised classroom - See more: What is room supervision and how to input it?
- Color - which will be used on cards

There are also two hidden options:
- Nearby classrooms - will be displayed, when you select "This room requires supervision" or another classroom is already set as "nearby" to this classroom.
- Building - will be displayed, when you create buildings. See: How to input buildings

See also:
How can I sort teachers/classes/subjects/classrooms?
How to assign lessons to classrooms?

Theoretically the classrooms can be omitted and you can create a timetable without entering any classrooms.
However most schools have serious classroom shortages and the schedule generated without classrooms would be useless. So entering classrooms is not only good to tell the students where to go, but also to tell the generator algorithm not to put 3 Physical education lessons at the same time, when your school has only two Gym rooms.