Grades with different weight. How is the average calculated?

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EduPage allows the teachers to set the weight of grade, percentages or points. They are then computed into the average and the final grade with that set weight.

Obviously, a grade from half term exam is more important than a grade from one homework.

For each assignment you can input a "weight", or in other words, set the importance of the grade in that assignment.

EduPage allows you to evaluate students grades, points or percentages. Let's see how the weight is considered in computing the average.

a) Grades weight

Weight basically means the number of times the grade is counted into the final average.

For example, the student received a 1 from homework and a 5 from final exam.

The average is
(1+5)/2 = 3

However if you set higher weight to final exam, for example "Very important assignment, triple weight (3)" then the grade from this event counts three times:

1+5+5+5 / 4 = 4

That's it.

For those who want even more control:

If you have more grades in one event, you can also setup the final average calculation. For example you have input 3 grades from homework and one half year exam for one student.

By default each grade from homework is calculated into the average.
You can change this setting to calculating the average of homework grades first. You will have one grade for all homeworks. This final result is then calculated into the average just once:

Warning, mild math incoming:
let's say the student grades from homeworks are 1,1,1 (weight 10) and 5 from final exam((weight 30).
First option:
((1*10) + (1*10) + (1*10) + (5*30)) / (10+10+10+30) = 180 / 60 = 3

Second option:
((1*10) + (5*30)) / (10+30) = 160/40 = 4

In other words, in the first option the more grades the student receives from homeworks the more it will influence the final grade. In the second option it doesn't matter how many grades from homeworks the student received, it is only important how well he did them.

And finally, if you use categories:
for example if you divide your grades from English into "literature","grammar","conversation", you can set weight for each category:

At first, the average of these assignments is computed based on the weight of each assignment. The student will have one final grade per each category. The average of the final grades per each category is based on the weight of the categories.