The meaning of credit in the Payments module

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Credit in the Payments module

  • represents the difference between the payments received and the assigned fees in payment plans. Initial credit is included in the payments calculations.

  • credit should always be considered in relation to the selected payment plans and their maturity dates. The period from - to should be selected accordingly.

  • the credit is calculated as:
    the Sum of the payments made for the selected payment plans with receipt date before the end of the selected period
    - (minus)
    the Sum of fees from the selected payment plans with a maturity date before the end of the selected period

    Different credit in the payment module and in the school canteen module

    The credit in the 'payments' module and the 'school canteen' module to a specific date can often vary.

    This happens because:
    - the credit in payments made to date includes the payments received and the predefined fees (the payment plan contains fees per individual months)
    -whereas the credit in the canteen to the same date reflects the payments received and the 'days with issued meals', which usually do not include the complete payment plan for the month

    Credit in payments is therefore higher (lower) than the credit in the canteen, if the date of maturity of the payment plan for the canteen for a given month is later (earlier) than the date on which the credit appears.

    Find more in the instructions: The meaning of credit in the School canteen module

    Please see also - List of all helps for payment module