Why EduPage?

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Easy actualization
With one click you can publish your school's schedule or today's substitutions. Or log into EduPage and add new photogalery or a news, update the meal list for next week and many more.

For normal people
EduPage contains predefined templates and all the information can be changed online. You don't need to ask your friends or colleagues to help you with adding new information to your school's web page.
Using EduPage you can focus on presenting your school instead of learning HTML,XML,PHP,FLASH,JAVASCRIPT,DHTML etc.

EduPage can create dynamic webpages for your school in case your school do not have webpage yet or you doesn't like them.
EduPage can also be used to extend your current school's webpages with new interesting modules. Just ask your school administrator to add a link to corresponding EduPage module and enjoy the easy creation/updating of the new part added to the main school's page.

Your look
You can choose which modules you want to use. You can customize the design and choose your colours.

For every school
Doesn't matter if you are small school or big one you can enjoy all the EduPage features.

Growing community
We are listening to EduPage users and adding new modules to further help you with your school tasks.