School Canteen - Order cancellation / order placement / changing the menu

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The School Canteen module enables students and their parents to place, change or cancel the order via their EduPage account or EduPage mobile application.

The School Canteen module can be found on the main page in the left menu in the "Communication" section.

Meals can be cancelled / ordered directly from the menu by clicking the cancel / order button. The deadline for changes in order is indicated on the button (it is set by the school).
The roll down menu over the button offers meal options (A, B) in case when several meal options are available.

The screenshot shows student Žaneta Antlova on the 25th June at 3:00p.m.
Meal option A has been already served. Rating can bee added.
Meal order for Tuesday has been cancelled. The school allows changes in orders at 2:30 p.m. of the previous day at the latest. No meal order for Tuesday can be placed.
Meal order for Wednesday has been cancelled. However, the order can be placed again until Tuesday 2:30 p.m. The order has been cancelled on Friday the 22nd of June.
Meal option B has been selected and ordered for Thursday. It can be cancelled on Thursday at 7:50 at the latest.
Only one meal option (menu A) is served on Friday.
The student can cancel or order the meal by pressing the "Order" or "Cancel" button.