What is the role of standards in EduPage?

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Governments usually define teaching standards for subjects - knowledge and skills which students should be taught. We call this "standards".

Standards play a very important role in EduPage.

1. Categorization of preparations according to standards. You can organize teaching materials to the topics of the plan, but also according to the teaching standards related to the materials. If you attach a standard to each material (each question card, etc.), you can easily find it by checking the appropriate standard. You can use both of these methods at the same time. This means that the material can be assigned to the topic of the plan and may have the associated teaching standard.

2. Sharing Materials among Teachers.
Teacher prepares material in EduPage - presentation, exercises, test questions, pictures, etc. If he wants to share the material with other teachers in school, he must attach proper teaching standards to the material.

And vice versa. After selecting a specific teaching standard, EduPage will show you all the materials other teachers have prepared to the selected standard.

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3. Study materials for students.
Based on teaching standards, pupils can test their knowledge of the subject, for example, before the exam. EduPage offers them questions that other teachers have prepared for the standard.

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4. Student results according to standards.
If students are doing homework or online tests, or you evaluate printed tests using EduPage, you can see the results of students according to individual teaching standards. You will see exactly what the students know and what makes them problems. You can focus on topics they do not know during the lesson.

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5. You have an overview of what is already done.
You do not forget to teach some of the standards. You will see exactly which standards you have and have not taught. Large topics are clearly divided into small themes.

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