How to input Math Equations/Graphs/schemes to the tests?

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EduPage eLearning allows you to add complicated equtions or grahics.

You can use your favourite editor Word, Excel, TeX, MathType. The only requirement is that the editor has to support export to PDF.

The steps are similiar to adding pictures to the test. We will show how to use MS Word:

1. Draw your scheme/equation/graph in MS Word and save it as PDF:

2. Add the created PDF to the test as if it was a picture. EduPage eLearning will convert the PDF so it will be correctly displayed in all web browsers.

- this aproach can be used for any editor that can save to PDF
- MS Word 2007 needs to install the PDF export plugin. This is available for free from the official Microsoft homepage.

See also:
How to add Math experessions - Alternative aproach