How to compute points/percentages from a test to a grade?
If you select "Grade computed from points/percentage value" type of evaluation, you should set a scale for computing the grade.
Create your own scale with defined percentage margins for different grades.
This scale can be used whenever you compute points/percentage to grades:
If for example you evaluate a test with the maximum of 35 points, set the maximum number of points to 35 when creating a new assignment in Grade book. 35 points represent 100%.
If the student was awarded lower number of points, it is computed proportionally to percentage. The system computes the grade based on the percentage scale.
Example: The student was awarded 27 points in the test (i.e. 77.1% of 35 points). The system computed a B (from 70% to 85%) based on the "Evaluation - percentage" scale.
The same scale can be used for all tests regardless of the number of points. It can be used for a 10 points test as well as for a 57 points test. Remember to set the maximum number of points when creating an assignment. This number of points represents 100 percent.
In the other method of computing grade, the teacher defines different scale for different maximum number of points.
The teacher sets points margins for each grade.
The system computes grades based on the set margins.
Disadvantages of the second method mentioned:
If the maximum number of points in the tests is not identical, the teacher has to create different scale for each test, based on the maximum number of points. The evaluation can be different with different tests. This means, the first option mentioned is more fair and means considerably less work for the teacher.