Payments for parents - basic questions

parent, parent´s account, payments module, variable symbol, bank transfer

English Slovenčina Čeština

PAYMENTS module - can be seen:

- on the web - just log in to your parent´s account - How to log in to EduPage as parent with one or several children

- in mobile app - download the app Mobile application EduPage

I have got/haven´t got VARIABLE SYMBOL (VS) for my child

- school can generate VS for you child but it is not necessary
- VS is one unique number for each student
- VS is automatically inserted in each payment made via EduPage
- VS is visible for parent after logging in to your parent´s account on the web:

Parent can set up also the bank account details for returning payments How a user sets up a bank account information for return money payments


In the EduPage mobile app logged as a parent- How to pay school fees from EduPage mobile app
on the web logged as a parent Payments - overview of payments for parents on the web

For more helps for parents please see Parents