What is "a course" good for?

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The course is a combination of the subject and the group of students you teach.

What is a course? How to create it?

Creating a new course is very simple . The "course" concept brings many benefits :

If you select students correctly when creating courses, you will only see students you teach in the classregister and the grade book . This is done only once, at the beginning of the year, and you no longer have to solve the selection of students later.

Divided and joined classes
Administrator - Course with divided class

Rights to input grades are based on courses. Teacher, who has created an official course, can input grades. No additional rights are needed.

Administrator: How to set up rights in the grade book?

A teaching plan and preparations are linked to the course. Teacher can assign materials only to students in their courses.

EduPage messages, homework notifications, projects or assignments will reach the right students only.

=Administrator - administration of courses