What is aSc Substitution software good for?
aSc Substitutions module is a perfect companion for you to help you with everyday school's agenda of covering lessons for absent teachers.
Once you had created your final timetable in aSc Timetables, you can publish it and use it to manage these daily substitutions.
Main advantages of this full online solution are:
- you can do it from anywhere and anytime - it works on any PC/Mac/Linux/iPad/Android device with internet connection
- your colleagues can help you - more people can work on substitution at the same time
- you can prepare everything and publish it only after you are satisfied with your work
- No need to send emails, or print notices - your teacher and students can see all changes immediately after you publish new substitution - online or in their smartphones
- Automatic connection to timetable and electronics class register - if you publish the changed the timetable during the school year, online substitution automatically has the correct timetable for each day.
- automatic backups - if your local PC burns you can continue from any other PC.
Here is the simplified description of what the software can help you with and how it works:
1. If there are, you can simply enter absent teachers (or classes, or booked classrooms).
2. The software will automatically show you all lessons, which should the absent teachers teach and they need to be substituted.
3. For each such lesson you can specify the teacher, who will replace the absent teacher. The software will show you suitable candidates. These candidates are selected based on many criteria that you can fine tune to suit your needs.
4. Once the substitutions are assigned, you can publish it with one click. Your teachers and students will be immediately notified and can see these changes on their smartphones.
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Publikowanie planu lekcji dla uczniów/rodziców
=How to access online substitution