What is a card?

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Card is the basic unit of preparations in EduPage.

We distinguish two types of cards:

1) "test question" type of cards
2) "the presentation cards" - one card corresponds to one presentation slide

  1. "Test Question" card
    When you have prepared cards with test questions, it's easy to prepare a test. Or you can select several cards and assign them as a homework. Many types of questions are available - type-in questions, multiple choice questions, sorting, pairing, categorization, blind map or open question.

    Why it is better to have questions cards in the preparation than whole tests?

    + Flexibility: cards are easy to combine into homework or tests; each card has the information in which test it is used.
    + Results according to standards: If the proper teaching standard is attached to the card, you can see the results of students according to individual teaching standards.
    + Learning environment: Thanks to the cards associated with your plan, students can test themselves for the topic, the system will immediately evaluate their answers, they have immediate feedback.

  2. Presentation Slide Card
    The card can also be one of the slides in the presentation. The presentation is created by the gradual addition of new card-slides. Multiple types of cards are available, they differ in the layout of text and images. You can rearrange any cards. EduPage offers an integrated image search system.