Categorizing teaching materials from My library to a plan by drag-and-drop

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Materials in My library that have not been categorized to any plan can be displayed by clicking on the "Not assigned to any plan" button. These materials can be categorized to the relevant plan additionally by drag-and-drop.

Start by activating the drag-and-drop function. Tick the "Categorize cards by dragging" option in the top right corner in the My library section.

A blue ikon - "expand plan" will display next to each course. Check that the list of uncategorized materials is open, then click on the blue icon. The plan with its topics will open.

Grab the card that is to be moved and drag it to the relevant topic in the plan.

Another option is not to expand the plan at all and just move the material to the course as such. The material can then be found in the plan of the course in the uncategorized section. This is true also for courses with no plans. You can still move a material to the course. Later, when you get round to creating plans, the materials will be in the uncategorized cards of the plan.
You can move them to a specific topic of the plan. How to transfer uncategorized materials in your plan to a specific topic

Note: After all the uncategorized materials have been categorized into plans, turn the drag&drop off. Arranging the order of cards in a topic of the plan by drag&drop is not possible while categorizing by drag&drop is turned on.

How to add materials from My library to the topics of the teaching plan
How to transfer uncategorized materials in your plan to a specific topic

Further help: How to organize teaching materials in EduPage