Own domain

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You can run EduPage under your own domain. In this case both yourschool.edupage.org and www.yourschool.com will work and show the same webpage.

The setup is simple:

1. please send email to support@edupage.org. In this email, please provide your school domain name.
2. Setup DNS. Here you have two options:

Option A: use NS redirection - our recommendation

  • If you already own a domain name, you can redirect the name servers of your domain to edupage name-servers: ns.edupage3.org, ns.edupage4.org, ns.edupage6.org, ns.edupage9.org
  • If you use your own NS settings (e.g. MX records for emails), everything still works - we will copy the records for you to our name-servers.
  • Option B: Change the registrar to EduPage - we will purchase the desired domain name for your school and set up the domain.

    Option A costs 30 EUR per year and Option B costs 50 EUR per year.