Why add preparations to the topics of the plan?

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If you select a topic from a plan, you can see all the preparations that you have available for the selected topic.

Organizing your materials according to the topics of your plan brings you the following benefits:

Benefits for teachers:
1. You can access your materials easily during the lesson. How to access preparations in class register?

2. If you copy the plan, all materials will be copied also and they will remain properly assigned to the topics of the plan. How to copy a teaching plan from previous school year?

3. Synchronize preparations in identical plans. If you teach the subject in parallel classes and you use identical plans, you just need to add new materials in one plan, then press the "Synchronize with similar plans" button, and the new materials will be copied to the topic in the other plan as well. Synchronizing preparations in similar plans

Benefits for students:
If you have homework for students, insert them into the topic of the plan. Students can access it through the "Curriculum" even without exactly assigning it to them. How do the students access materials prepared for them by the teachers?

If you have any preparations not included in the topics of the plan, you can easily categorize them as follows: How to add materials from My library to the topics of the teaching plan