Operating elements of the interactive lesson

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As soon as the teacher launches an interactive presentation, a new window opens in their browser. It displays the presentation. The presentation can be played on a projector.

In the former window the teacher can see their EduPage on the left and the presentation control pannel on the right.

The presentation can be managed from any of these windows, independent of their arrangement on the computer and projector screens. The control pannel can be switched on in both windows.

Operating presentations when one twin screen has been selected:

Operating presentations in two screens (extended screen):

Presentations can be launched in mobile application as well. Please, see instructions: How to launch a presentation from smartphone or a computer unconnected to the projector

Description of presentation operating elements in mobile application:

In the EduPage mobile application apart from using arrows you can swipe your finger to move to the next slide in the presentation.

Interactive lesson
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How to launch a presentation from smartphone or a computer unconnected to the projector
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