Grade book setup

English How to set up a Grade book
English Administrator: Basic view
English Administrator: How to set up rights in the grade book?
English How to set the right to add notices in behavior to all teachers at once
English Can the school hide the grades from parents?
English Administrator: How to set the grading system 1-5, 1-6, A-F etc.
English Administrator: History of the Grade book: How to find out when a grade was given, changed or deleted?
English Administrator: How to setup terms of the Grade book: halves, thirds, quarters?
English Administrator: How to restrict editing grades for a term
English Administrator: How to specify which grades are visible to students and parents?
English Assignment types: Grades, Points and Percent
English How to set the date of classification?
English How to set up the "generic" grading type?
English How to set up the "custom" grading type?
English How to define the evaluation scale
English How to display/not display grades on the report card to students and parents?
English How to add a teacher the right to view grades in multiple classes?