Grade book - overview
Grade book allows teachers to input grades either via web page or via mobile application.
The grades can be sorted:
How to sort grades in Grade book - creating assignments in Grade book
Apart from grades, teachers can use points or percentage evaluation types. These evaluation types can be combined.
What are the options in evaluation of students in EduPage?
Teachers can select automatic conversion of percentage/points to grades.
How to define the evaluation scale
The grades can be assigned different weight with which they are counted into the average. Obviously, a mid-term exam has higher weight than a homework.
Grades with different weight. How is the average calculated?
Options for special types of evaluation in specific situations:
How to award a grade to student who did not participate in the test?
Additional information can be attached to awarded grades – class average, date of grade or a comment.
How to attach a comment to the grade?
=How to show/hide grade details: comments, signed grades, date of grades or average?
In grade book, the teacher can input other educational measures - praise or rebuke.
How to input educational measures: praise, rebuke...
Based on the results achieved by the student, the teacher awards the student a final grade. Final grade can be calculated automatically, based on the average and teacher specified criteria. Even then, teacher is still allowed to adjust the grade.
How to calculate a grade for the final report/certificate
Students and parents learn about the grades and results instantly in mobile application or after login to web page.
Parents/students: How to sign new grades?
Note: Parents need parent access to fully appreciate the grade book advantages. Parent access is different from student access. Parents can sign grades, input absence notes and communicate with teachers without the student’s involvement.
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