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Applications Module allows parents and teachers to file different types of applications electronically. All concerned parties receive notification. Consecutive actions are generated automatically.

Example how to use Applications Module:

Parent requests
- leave of absence from class for their child
- exemption from PE lesson
- board examination
- personal curriculum
- etc.

Authorised person can set who is allowed to approve certain applications (class teacher, headmaster,...). The person concerned will be notified of a pending application either on the website or in mobile application. The parent concerned will be immediately notified of their application approval. After application approval the system automatically generates absence note for the dates specified in the application. There is no need for parent to write absence note for their child afterwards.

Teacher requests leave of absence from classes
- because of attending to close relative
- for study purposes
- etc.

Even by teachers’ applications rules can be set as to who is allowed to approve the applications. After application approval, the system automatically generates new absence to substitutions.

Find more information on teachers’ applications here: Teacher release application and sickness notification
Find information on how the authorised person allows electronic application submission to parents and teachers Administrator - how to enable using applications

We welcome all your suggestions and comments concerning this module.