Creating a payment plan for registration action

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All participants, who have registered for a field trip, camp, etc. via "Registration" can be assigned a payment plan by the administrator / teacher, who created the registration action.

Select "Communication" in the left menu. Then "Registration" and "Manage actions".

Select the particular action, click the three dots and select "Payment plans".

The system switches to the Payments module - part "Payment plans".

There are three options to choose from:

  • separate payment plan for each target - the number of payment plans corresponds with the number of targets. Use this option if there are only one or two targets. If there are many targets this option would make the payment plans confusing.

  • one payment plan with modification for each target - select this option in case the action has multiple targets and the participants can select only one target. Payments can be different for different targets. The participants will be assigned with regard to the selected target.

  • one payment plan with payment for each target - select this option if the action has multiple targets and the participant can select several targets. The participant pays maximum one payment regardless of the number of targets selected.

    The registration activity is a ski training with three targets - cross country skiing, downhill skiing and snowboarding. The payment for downhill skiing and snowboarding is the same - 120€ and the cross country skiing payment is 90€.

    There are 3 options for the administrator to create the payment plan:
    a) creating separate payment plan for each target - Ski training - downhill skiing, Ski training - snowboarding, Ski training - cross country skiing

    b) one payment plan for the Ski training action with three modifications for separate targets (recommended). As each student can select only one target, the student will be assigned only one payment plan modification.

    c) one payment plan for the Ski training action, but the students can select several targets and thus will be assigned more payment plan modifications.

    If further participants register for the Ski training action, the administrator can simply update the list of participants - select "Overwrite the payment plan according to actual action's results".

    More information on payment plans and their modifications can be found in the following instructions: