How to assign homework in class register

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Click Assigned HWK on any lesson:

A field appears, where you can input the homework you want to give to students:

If you press save, the home work is save and automatically assigned to next lesson, the system knows the date when this class and group has next lesson:

If you want to change the date so that the homework is not for the next lesson, click on the more button(three dots) and select other date.

System will show you show you assignation view. Click "Till date" and select the date. Note that the system will show you dates in green when you have lesson with this class:

Also, when the homeworks due date comes, you will automatically see it in your daily plan so that you know what the students are writing when you open the door:

Another possibilities to input the homeworks:
How to assign simple text homework to students
How to assign homework that includes questions from preparations