How to create a customised user selection in the chat?

chat, your own group

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You can choose students for the chat communication from your class, your course or you can select them randomly. You can create your own students selection via "Chat -New conversation -Create new group":

First you select chat participants from the list of users by clicking on their names from your courses or searching for specific user. (only those who you are allowed to chat with)

Select from the user list at least 2 participants a click on "Create new group" and type the name.

After having created the new group, corresponding chat window pops up and you can start the conversation.

Recipients gets notification to their EduPage website as well as to the mobile application.

If you need to get back to the conversation, you will find it under the "chat" icon and by clicking on the group name you will open it. There are information on the participant under the "i" icon.