What are the conditions for displaying an event in the webpage calendar?

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When recording a new event, see the Privacy section in the bottom part of the event window. Set rules for displaying the event in the webpage calendar. How to input a new event into the calendar

"All teachers" setting will display the event in the webpage calendar after the teacher logs in.
"Participants + Teachers" and "All students" settings behave similarly.
The "Public" setting displays the event in the webpage calendar to all visitors. No log in is necessary.

After a new event has been recorded, all respected persons are notified via a message in EduPage. The message is sent to recipients based on the Privacy settings. It is sent to either the teachers, or the participants + teachers or the students or all EduPage users. Message sent to students is automatically sent to their parents too.

Privacy settings in the previous image are set to "Public". These settings can be changed by the administrator. Privacy settings can be predefined for every type of event separately.

The settings can be then changed separately for a particular event if necessary.