How do the students access materials prepared for them by the teachers?

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Students have several options to access the materials about a specific study topic prepared for them by the teacher:

1. Via the "Curriculum"
2. Via notification about taught lesson
3. when the teacher assigns material to the student

1. Via the "Curriculum":
The Curriculum tab displays to students in the left menu. Select the desired subject.

The students see individual topics from your plans. If there are any materials visible for students, the bag icon is green and the number of materials (cards) displays.

Clicking a specific topic displays options - "Test me" or "Browse cards".

If the student selects the "Test me" option, EduPage prepares a test made with the questions you have prepared about this topic.

If the student selects the "Browse cards" option, he can access the presentation, notes, questions, etc. related to the topic. All is done automatically, no need to assign materials to students.

The teacher is the one who decides which materials are accessible to students. If the teacher marks the material's visibility as "Only me", the students will not be able to access them.

How to make material invisible for students?

2. Via notification about taught topic
Please, see the instructions: How do students access the study materials for the topic?

3. when the teacher assigns material to the student
How to assign a material (e.g. presentation) to students?
How to assign students a file - a study material
How to assign an online test to students
How to create new project assignation