Why to test the timetable?

basic test

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Before you generate your timetable, it needs to pass the basic test. You can find it in main menu as "Test" or in menu "Timetable - Test".

This first test tries to generate small parts of your timetable to detect the basic mistakes in your inputted data or constraints. It will try to generated each item - class/teacher/subject/classroom separately and it checks, if there are not some basic mistakes. Finding these mistakes is very important, because if it is not possible to generate timetable for just one class or one teacher then it will not be possible to generate whole timetable for sure.

So this basic and very quick test can save you lot of time that you will otherwise waste on generating "an impossible" timetable. Do it every time after some relevant change (change the lessons settings, adding a new or editing already created constraint or relation,...). We recommend you to do it simply before every generation.

Test says there is some problem. What next?

However, if your timetable passes this basic test, it doesn't mean, that there are no other problems, which will come out, when you will start to try to generate entire timetable (or just more classes/teachers/... at once). If your timetable has passed this basic test, and it still can not be generated, then we recommend you to see our other tools for analyses:

See also:
Test says there is some problem. What next?
Analyze the timetable by generation
Analyze the timetable by Extended tests